I had ten days off between my last day at my previous company and the first day at the new place! I could’ve spent those days just sitting at home but instead, I tried my best to find someone to go on vacation with…
We all know what it feels like to get sunburn but what do we know about how we get sunburned? And how does sunscreen work to protect us against harmful rays? I wanted to look into this because I’m so insanely burned from my…
I know I have a shopping problem but I only love to buy things if they are on sale or clearance! But I had no idea there is a psychological disorder around shopping! It is called Compulsive Buying Disorder. Compulsive Buying is the uncontrollable…
I’m super duper excited for this announcement! I officially accepted a new full time job as a Formulation Chemist in the food/agriculture industry!!! It has been such a whirlwind of emotions the last couple of months! I interviewed at a few places but this…
This is a special #ScienceSunday post that will be more personal than science. My thoughts and emotions towards golf have been quite neutral. I don’t mind watching it on TV and haven’t really played it much in my life besides miniature golf. But yesterday,…
I love my mother and grandmother with basically every ounce of my being. The two of them have helped me to develop into the strong willed and smart woman I am today. For Mother’s Day, I am excited to spend time with them at…
I have struggled with lactose intolerance my entire life! Some foods trigger it worse than others, but I still can’t stop myself from eating ice cream haha! I wanted to learn more about our bodies so here we are! Lactose is the sugar found…
I’m 24 years old and I have a really bad habit. I’m not super proud of it but I’m learning to manage it. I have always been a lip biter which means I go through periods of having scabs on my lips. Well the…