I am so grateful to have girls weekend to look forward to every year! Last year was our first celebration and we went to North Jersey to ski and snowboard! I should say I went and did puzzles in the lodge while the other girls skied and snowboarded lol!
Girls weekend started when one of my besties from my sorority (hey Jamie talking about you!) invited us to tag along with her good girlfriends! We had met the girls a few times in college but weren’t super close. Of course we said yes so this year was no different!!
This year we all agreed that South Jersey/Philadelphia would be the perfect location for our weekend!! I live in Cherry Hill and my sweet friend Caitlin lives in Medford which is only 20 minutes from the house!! She was the one who put everything together for the weekend!! We all signed up for food to bring and wine! We were all pumped to say the least!! There were 8 of us planning to go so we were definitely over prepared with both food and alcohol!
We all showed up Friday night around 6PM and shared lots of warm hugs!! We had snacks ready to go! Lots of pretzels, chips, buffalo chicken dip and more and more!! So many yummy foods with an accompaniment of red wine!

Melissa (another sweet friend I met for the first time this girls weekend) brought the board game Privacy!! And omg it was insanely fun!! Can’t recommend it enough with a group of friends!!! It can definitely get raunchy so probably not the best game for little ones lol! We played and talked and enjoyed ourselves immensely!! We weren’t even paying attention to time and it was 2AM!! Time for bed for all of our wine butts!!
Saturday morning we all got up around 9/10AM! We got plenty of sleep! Caitlin had made a sausage egg and muffin breakfast casserole and Melissa had leftover egg and spinach bake which made the perfect breakfast!! We had fruit and gluten free waffles!! Seriously a perfect way to start the day!! We then had to decide what we wanted to do during the day. Our options: Top Golf or Escape Room or Hatchet Throwing. This would be our early afternoon activity followed by going to the mall then back home for dinner then off to Hammer and Stain and finally taking the train into Philly for a night out!!! After much deliberation and many “it doesn’t matter to me” we decided on the Escape Room!

I had never done an Escape Room before so I was stoked!! Our was magician themed!! We did escape the room and I think we had 7ish minutes left!!! Pretty solid if you ask me!! We worked really well as a team so go ladies!!!

Afterwards we were off to the mall for a couple hours before dinner!!! We strolled and shopped for a little tpp long and got home late, OOPS!! I did pick up a super cute sweater from American Eagle on sale!!
We ate queso and ziti for dinner!! Let me tell you, Caitlin’s mom’s ziti was amazing!!! And Kathleen (another sweet sweet friend) made her queso and it was delish! All the girls got dressed up and we were off to our next activity!!
This activity I can not recommend enough if you are coming to the South Jersey area!! We went to Hammer and Stain which is a DIY workshop where you get to paint a piece of wooden decor to your liking! They have so many options which I loved but had a difficult time choosing from!! I chose the pallet sign and chose to have the lyrics to “In Case You Didn’t Know” by Brett Young on it! That’s Michael and I’s song so I figured I can put the sign above our bed so we both know how much we care about each other!! I gave the ladies at the shop free reign when it came to the font and placement! I, on the other hand, chose the stain and paint colors!! I chose a mixture of medium brown and gray with white and pale blue painted letters!! We have drinks and snacks and enjoyed each others company while DIY-ing!! It is seriously so much fun and I would love to do it again and again!!!

Afterwards we were off to Philly!!! I rarely go out so I was 100% down for GNO with the lovely gals!! We took the train from Haddonfield to Philly then off to Concourse Bar!! We had so much fun!! THERE WAS A BALL PIT GUYS!!!! (also i am somewhat of a germaphobe so that was hard for me to do but they had hand sanitizer so it was all good!!) They had swings too!! We made our way to the other side of the bar and start bopping on the dance floor which inspired everyone else to join us!! Seriously had the time of our lives!!! After staying out, our designated drivers drove us back to the house and we all passed out!!!

In the morning on Sunday we all got up kinda late but we all needed to sleep in! We had plans to go to a specific brunch spot but the wait was 2 HOURS!!!! THAT IS INSANE! So we found a cute Mexican spot across the street called the Tortilla Press that was freakin amazing!! I had a breakfast burrito and could talk about that burrito for hours!! It had mushrooms in it with eggs and guacamole! Literally to die for!!

It was time to go after that since a couple girls had to catch a bus!! Lots of hugs were shared and we all went our separate ways!
I am always super happy to see my gals Jamie and Sydne! They’ve been my besties all through college and I don’t know where I’d be without them! They’re gems and dolls and all the sweet things in life!!
I couldn’t be more grateful to spend the weekend with some truly awesome women!! It can be so hard sometimes to be away from friends but knowing that we all come together once a year keeps my heart full! Can’t wait for the next one!!
Til then,