Hey my peeps!!
It has felt like a jam packed weekend but I did nothing yesterday lol and was all over the place today seeing my dad then my mom before going grocery shopping! Now time to get a couple hours of downtime watching TheSound of Music on ABC and get ready for bed! Let’s get to this week’s ScienceSunday!!
Do you ever get the “cuddle bug” or the “love bug” at the end of a long day? I’m not talking about your actual cuddlebug/lovebug silly!!I’m talking about the snuggley feeling you get when you get close to that special someone in your life!!! Well that feeling is all thanks to….OXYTOCIN!!!
Oxytocin is hormone produced by the hypothalamus (control center for autonomic nervous system) and is released into the body by our pituitary gland (growth and development epicenter). It’s production in our bodies is controlled through a positive interaction loop. What’s that you say? When we are triggered with something we feel close or connected with (let’s say for me, cuddling withMichael or petting Remi), oxytocin in our body is released into the “loop”which then causes another action to continue to produce even more oxytocin! This causes the relaxed and calm feeling that comes over us!

Oxytocin also has many other functions! It plays a role in learning, feeding, cardiovascular interaction, yawning, and so many others! It also counteracts the effect of cortisol (the horrible stress hormone that I feel very effected by). There is always research going on to understand the hormone!
For women, oxytocin levels are important to contributing to the signal of contractions during labor! This is done when the oxytocin sends a signal to the uterine muscles to contract to begin labor. If labor does not start on its own, sometimes women are induced with Pitocin (a synthetic oxytocin) to begin contractions!! My mom was induced with Pitocin to get her labor with me started!
In men, oxytocin does not play a super large role but it helps to move spermies and it affects testosterone production.
I never knew this but there are people out in the world who make “oxytocin sprays” that you can spray into your nose!!! They are not FDA (Food and Drug Administration) so there is no evidence to prove their efficacy!But I’m glad people are imaginative and try to use something in a new way!!
Pretty much all I’m saying is go enjoy your lovebug and pet all the dogs and cats you can to release that oxytocin!!!!! Just look at my Remi girl being cute!

Let’s tackle those Sunday scaries and beat up Monday with a good attitude!!!!
Love always,