
Bad Habits and How I Try to Stop Them

May 2, 2019

I’m 24 years old and I have a really bad habit. I’m not super proud of it but I’m learning to manage it. I have always been a lip biter which means I go through periods of having scabs on my lips. Well the lip biting turned into skin picking which is even worse.

I know it’s not cute but there is something relieving in picking at my skin or at my lips. I get the relief after picking but then it bleeds and people start to notice. I know it’s no different than people picking at their fingernails or plucking their hair. I just get upset at myself because it’s my face and quite noticeable.

I’ve learned though that I feel this “relief” because I am a very anxious person. Through lots of therapy sessions I’m learning how to control myself and not anxiously pick as much. I definitely haven’t stopped completely but I’m making a conscious effort to stop.

My therapist gave me some fidget objects that have really really helped. I have a soybean pod that has moveable pea pods (it’s adorable), a marble in a Chinese finger trap and a little orange spiky caterpillar. My favorite is the caterpillar because I can put him on my dashboard while I drive and distract myself from wanting to pick!

These are great tools that are helping me stop but what is really helping me is reminding myself over and over that it may feel nice in the moment but it’s not worth it in the long run. The questions from people about the bleeding and scabs can be so embarrassing so I am really trying to train myself to not pick.

You can apply similar techniques to any negative behavior you may be facing! In the moment it may be torturous but think about the end goal! Breaking a bad habit and conquering that mountain can feel invigorating, so stick with the positive self talk!! I for sure know I’m trying my hardest!!


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