
No Spend January – Part 2

January 31, 2019

It’s the end of #NoSpendJanuary people!!! And I am proud to say that I did the very best I could this month!! I spent barely any money. I paid my bills on time because I learned the hard way how terrible late fees can be. I found loopholes in the process which was probably the wrong thing to do. But if Michael paid for us to eat out, I was fine with it. However, I knew that I broke the rules but if it wasn’t coming out of my pocket it was totally cool. I will say though, we only ate out a few times this month which I really hope sticks for the coming months!

I did spend my own money three times on things that were not allowed.

  1. At the beginning of the month, I went grocery shopping earlier in the day before I had the chance to eat breakfast. So I relied on my old ways and spent 5$ at Dunkin Donuts for a ham, egg, and cheese on a bagel with hashbrowns. I felt so guilty the entire time. I also was on the struggle bus and took my foot off the gas while paying and the car started moving forward in the drive thru while my card was with the cashier. I did not think it was funny at the time but now i look back and think it is hilarious.
  2. Last weekend we had some friends over and one mentioned ice cream and we just so happen to have a rolled ice cream shop less than a mile away!!! I caved and got rolled ice cream for 7$ (yes 7 which I know is expensive but I was with friends; it happens). It was death by chocolate topped with oreos, chocolate chips, whipped cream, and a roasted marshmallow. I felt guilty at the time but dangit that ice cream was delicious!!
  3. If you follow me along on Instagram, I’m sure you saw the Amazon bathing suit I found for 8$. I just had to get it! It was only 8$!!! That one I didn’t feel as bad about because I didn’t drop a dime on any other clothing this month. I’ll keep you guys posted on my review on it when it comes in!

So monthly total (without Michael paying for food [btw thank you bub]) = $20!

I’d say that is not too shabby for a girl who loves to shop! I did learn a few lessons over the month! Most importantly, there is a huge difference between things I want and things I need. I want all the sweaters in the world but I don’t need them when I have great sweaters already!! Also I can be so creative with groceries by thinking about the things I would want if we ate out!! I made sure to pick up a few more frozen options from Trader Joe’s that satisfied my craving for those foods (pizza, indian, asian)!!

There may have been bumps but look I did it!! I’ll try to be better over the coming months to save more than I spend. Let me know if you completed #NoSpendJanuary!!

Thanks for tagging along!!


Now let’s get some nuggets and fries!!!!!! 😛

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