
First Science Sunday!

November 25, 2018

Hi gal pals (and guy pals which doesn’t rhyme as well)!

I hope everyone had a nice, relaxing weekend decompressing after spending Thanksgiving with loved ones!! This year I am very thankful to have spent the entire day with Michael, his family, my mom’s family, and my dad! It was a busy day but I saw everyone I wanted to see so I’m a happy girl!!

Also it was Black Friday weekend going into Cyber Monday!!! There are an insane amount of deals at almost every store!! If you need any help searching for something specific, I have magic skills in finding the best deal!! Just reach out!

Now onto something exciting! The first Science Sunday!! I am a proud biochemist and want to share some information about science topics that are relevant (and sometimes irrelevant) to our daily lives! Just my way of sharing my passion with you!! I hope you enjoy!

There’s this one thing that we all cannot live without, it shows itself in some of our favorite things, and it can really be a pain if we don’t get it.

Any guesses??

If you guessed caffeine you are 100% correct!

Now I’m not one to judge seeing as I do enjoy a nice French vanilla latte here and there but I know that over consumption of caffeine is not good for anyone. While it is not considered an addiction, there is a dependency that is formed if you consume a lot of caffeine.

Here are some caffeine tidbits!
– Caffeine is the most used central nervous system stimulant!
– The pure form of caffeine is a white powder.
– The half-life (amount of time for half of the amount of a substance to be present in the body) of caffeine is dependent person to person but on average is about 4 hours.
– Caffeine’s chemical structure is similar to that of adenosine (one component of DNA)! It works by binding or sticking to the adenosine receptors! When adenosine binds to those receptors you feel drowsy. But when caffeine binds you get that jittery buzz!

The maximum daily-recommended dose is about 400 milligrams. One cup of black coffee contains 100 milligrams!! So Michael who drinks two to three cups in the morning alone does just fine but when I have one cup I’m an energetic mess! That’s because our body chemistry’s are different!

Hope you have a fantabulous Sunday!!

Love always,

P.S. I’m obsessed with medicine ball drink at Starbucks so I rarely drink coffee!

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